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Can A Tiler Fit Brick Slips

Brick Slips And Brick Tiles being installed by tilerCan Brick Slips Be Installed By A Tiler?

Yes, a tiler can fit brick slips. Brick slips are essentially a thin cut of brick that can be applied to a wall like a tile. They are manufactured either by cutting the face off a brick or simply creating a molded tile from scratch. Tilers are skilled in laying tiles, and the process of laying brick slips is similar to laying tiles. Tilers can use adhesive to fix the brick slips onto the wall and then use pointing mortar to fill the gaps between the slips and the wall. Tilers should be able to fit brick slips into your home and give it a professional-looking finish.

Depending on personal preference, most of our customers opt to install brick slips themselves. With our helpful installation guide and online shop full of all the tools and materials need to install brick slips it could not be easier!

Having said that, should you opt to get a tiler to install your brick slips we have a page dedicated to reputable installers that have to pass our quality test before we list them. Furthermore you can seek your own tiler to install brick slips.

Installing brick slips is a relatively easy task. As well as buying your brick slips, you will also need brick slip adhesive, mortar, spacers, primer and sealer to complete your project. Should you instruct a tiler to install your brick slips we advise purchasing these accessories directly from us as these are the only materials that have been tried and tested with our brick slips allowing us to offer our customers a 25 Year Warranty on all of our brick slips.

When looking for a tiler for your brick slips project below are a list of some of the things we advise checking out before giving the go-ahead.

  • Previous experience fitting brick slips – Although not always necessary ask your tiler if they have fitted brick slips before. The more experience the better however, just because they haven’t had the opportunity to install them before doesn’t mean you should write them off as brick slips are incredibly similar to standard tiles
  • Workmanship Warranty – Reputable tilers should be able to give you a guarantee with their workmanship. Check that this is something they offer.
  • Insurance – This is very important, and all tilers should hold at least public liability insurance. this will protect your home and you whilst they are working in it incase any issues arise.
  • Reviews – Like us we work hard for our reviews and our 4/5 star reviews come from incredible customer service and high quality products. This should be the same from your tiler so check them out first.

In conclusion, a tiler is more than qualified to install brick slips. Advise your tiler you wish to use our fitting materials to benefit from our warranty. Below is a button to our full range of brick slips which is great starting point to your brick slip journey. In addition, all of our brick slips come with a free sample option.

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