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25 Year Warranty

25 Year Warranty

25 year warranty

How long is the Warranty on your Brick Slips?

25 Years! Although we expect our brickslips to last a lifetime of the building, we can guarantee that your products if installed correctly will last a Minimum of 25 years!

How do I qualify for the 25 year warranty on my Brick Slips?

To qualify for our 25 year warranty on your brick slips must meet the following criteria;

All you have to do is install your brick tiles as per our Installation guide, ensuring the correct products are used in the correct manner.

The Below products must be used in conjunction with each other, and inline with the manufacturers instructions.

Primer – Pro Prime 1Litre or Pro Prime 5Litre

Adhesive – Slip-Fix Adhesive or Slip-Grab Adhesive

Mortar – Slip-Point White or Slip-Point Grey

Sealer – Brick Slip Seal & Protect 

How do I register my 25 year warranty?

To register your project under our 25 year guarantee scheme all you need to do is email – with the below information and we will add your brick slip project to our product garuantee register.

The information we need;

  • Your name and address of the brick slip project.
  • Your order number (We can help you with this if you are unable to find it)
  • 2 Images of the completed project – including a close up (around 1 meter away) and an image showing all the bricks slip project
  • The date the installation was finished, and the specific location of the installation (Example – bathroom, kitchen splash back, external walls of garage etc)

(We appreciate not every project will lend itself to the above image requests, in which case feel free to send several images if it is a large project or over multiple walls.)

Once we have received all the above information, we will email to confirm your project registration, and your registration number (Please keep this handy as you will require this in the unlikely event of a claim)

Can I install them myself and still get the 25 year warranty?

Yes, our warranty is not limited to installations by professional installers, all that you must do is install our brick slips inline with our Installation guide.

Can I replace the specified products in the installation guide with alternatives?

No, we have carried out extensive testing on all the products required to qualify for the 25 year warranty to ensure that when used together with our brick tiles they meet the quality and durability standards required to warrant them for 25 years. We have not tested other products not specified within the Installation guide and therefore cannot warrant how they will perform alongside our brick slips so we are unable to offer a warranty where alternative products have been used other than those strictly specified within the Installation guide.

What does the warranty cover?

The warranty is strictly limited to the Brick Slips, Headers, Corners, Brick Tiles, and Stretcher Reveals, no other products are covered under this warranty. The products must be supplied by ourselves from our Brick Slip range, and must not be in our clearance or offers section. The warranty will cover replacement products however should the brick slip type not be available then at our discretion we reserve the right to offer an alternative product, or to refund the cost of the replacement brick slips. We will not accept any claims for labour, installation costs, delivery costs, or any other costs associated with the warranty claim other than  for the brickslips themselves.

What is the warranty claim process?

If you believe you have an issue covered under warranty please notify us immediately via email to, we will then request images for the brick slips in question, once we have received the images we may require a site visit from one of our technical staff. We endeavour to complete all warranty claims within 60 days.


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