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What To Avoid And How To Avoid Common Mistakes When Installing Bricks

Things You Should Avoid When Installing Brick Slips

If you have decided that you are going to add brick slips to your home, then you are making an excellent choice. This is because you are going to add a feature that really does have a positive impact. However, when it comes to installing them, there are some things that you will need to consider and avoid doing. So what should you avoid?

Avoid Overlooking Corner Brick Slips

The aim is to create a look that looks just like real bricks and that is why you should avoid overlooking corner brick slips. The 90 degree corner has to have a certain look and that is where you can use corner brick slips to achieve the right look. A 90 degree external corner needs the right finish, so don’t butt joint standard brick slips as this will show that you are using brick slips and it will give that tiled look.

Misaligning your Vertical Mortar Joints

When you begin to lay your brick slips, you will need to make sure that they have a neat finish. When it comes to your vertical mortar Joints or perps as they are also known, you need to make sure that they are aligned. When you are running a standard brick bond pattern, perps should always be central to the brick on the course below. This will help you to achieve a sleek finish but also a finish that looks completely natural.

Do Not Install Them By Eye

You might think that it is easy enough to install brick slips by eye but this will only show that they are brick slips and not real bricks. It will also give a terrible finish that won’t help to enhance the appearance of your room. While you might think that you have the perfect eye, it won’t be as perfect as a spirit level. You will need to make sure that the first course is level from the very beginning as all of the other courses will follow this. So, you will need to check the levels every 3-4 courses and then adjust them where necessary. 

Don’t Mix All of Your Adhesive in Advance

So, you have your brick slips and a blank wall, so you’re keen to go. You probably think that this is a job you can complete quickly but that is not the approach to take. The reality is that the job will take you longer than you realised. So, you might be tempted to mix the whole bag of adhesive because you think that you will get all of your brick slips in place in no time at all. But, if you mix a full bag, you will only have a small period of time in which to fit your brick slips. This is because the adhesive can dry out and harden. So, we recommend that you only mix a quarter of the bag at a time, giving you more time and more control.

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