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How Many Brick Slips Do I Need?

how many brick slips estimating

Working out how many brick slips you need can be quite a challenging task. So we’re here to alleviate some of the stress and offer guidance!

Each box from Slips From Stock covers approximately 1/2 m2, when laid in standard stretcher bond with a 10 mm joint. With this information, our next step is to calculate the size of your wall. The formula used to do this is:

Length of wall (in meters) x Height of wall (in meters) = Total area in Square meters

Sizes of rooms vary greatly so it is important that you make your own measurements and don’t soles rely on online guides!

An estimate for an average wall height is 2.74m, with the average length being around 4.5m.

2.74 X 4.5= 12.33m² 

Once you have the surface area of your wall, add on an extra 10% incase of breakages or any cuts you have to make.

12.33 + 10% = 13.56m² 

We then round this value to the nearest square meter.

13.56 to the nearest square meter = 14m²

This gives us a good indication of how many brick slips you may need. As each box is 0.5m², to cover this wall we would need 28 boxes. However, this may be an overestimate of how many brick slips you need. If you windows or doors the surface area will be smaller meaning you require less slips.

If you require further assistance on calculating how many brick slips you need head to our free brick slip calculator for further assistance!

We want to thank you for choosing Slips From Stock as your brick slip supplier! So once your slips have been installed post them on Facebook or Instagram and we’ll send you an Amazon voucher!

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