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Brick slips have become a popular addition throughout the home, especially as more people are understanding the benefits that come with them. They are durable, they look amazing and they enable you to create a look that’s truly unique.
Unlike paint or wallpaper, it is not just a case of fitting them to the wall and forgetting about them. Sure, installing them requires more work than painting or wallpapering, it is still a relatively simple job with the right preparation which is why it makes sense to do everything right from the beginning.
Why Does the Sub Surface Have to Be Strong?
As brick slips are fitted to the walls directly, it means that the surface needs to be strong. It has to be solid and show no signs of weakening or failing. The brick slips need to remain in place firmly and they rely on the sub surface to achieve this. If there is any weakness then there is every possibility that all of your hard work could be undone.
The problem is, how do you know if the walls are strong and suitable for fitting brick slips? Follow our guide and advice and you’ll be able to identify what is suitable for fitting brick slips.
Plastered Walls
If you are going to fit your brick slips to plastered walls, then you need to make sure that the plaster is in excellent condition. It has to be solid and firm with no patches coming away from the wall. You should also look for signs of bubbling or areas that have blown as this will mean that they are not stuck to the surface below. If you do fit to areas such as this, your brick slips will pull away from the wall.
Painted Walls and Wallpaper
It is possible to fix brick slips on top of painted walls but again, this is dependent on the strength of the paint work. If the paint is flaking or peeling then you should avoid laying your brick slips over the top.
If there is wallpaper in place, then you might want to consider removing it. Even if the wallpaper is firmly stuck in place, the adhesive you use is likely to soften the wallpaper and cause it to come away from the wall and with that will come your brick slips as well.
If you have a newly constructed plasterboard wall, then you won’t have to worry about its condition. Whether it’s dot and dab or a stud wall, the plasterboards will be held firmly in place using adhesive or screws and that provides a suitable surface for you to fit your brick slips to.
So, the general rule is that the strength of your brick slips will only be as strong as the surface they are fitted to. Therefore, if there is any weakness in the subsurface, you should consider making sure that you rectify the problem before fitting your brick slips on top.