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Brick Slip Breakages And Replacements

Brick Slip Breakages

When you place an order online you expect that once the brick slips arrive they will be in mint condition. And rightly so, because as the number 1 brick slip company in the UK it is one right that we send out products of the highest quality. Unfortunately, brick slip breakages are a very real possibility and one that is best to be prepared for when ordering your brick slips.

10% Breakages

Brick slips near me are an incredibly beautiful product. Furthermore they are extremely long lasting as well as being economically friendly. However, the one major drawback to brick slips is how susceptible they are too breakages. Due to them being quite a thin product it can lead to them being broken before you have had the chance to install them. It is important to note we do not send out broken slips and these brick slip breakages occur during the delivery process. As previously stated, we outsource our delivery to a third party company. So we recommend to customers that they consider ordering 10% more cuts than they need. You will find by doing this you avoid yourself the hassle of waiting to have replacements slips delivered.

Using Brick Slip Cuts

What can seem like a curse in the moment can very quickly turn into a blessing in disguise. It is unlikely that the slips you have ordered will fit exactly into the area you wish to install them. Because of this you can use some of your brick slip breakages to save you having to cut your brick tiles. Obviously this is a very idealistic way of thinking about things but the idea shouldn’t be dismissed. Damaged slips doesn’t always mean unusable brick slips so don’t be too disheartened if they are not entirely pristine. Especially if you are looking to install the brickslips in a unique pattern such as the Herringbone brick slip pattern. For this pattern, you will almost certainly have to cut some of your brick effect tiles to achieve the desired effect.

Replacing Broken Brick Slips

If you are unfortunate to have suffered excessive brick slip breakages and can’t use these as cuts, we will happily replace them. Simply attach an image of your broken brick effect tiles in an email to us and we will endeavour to replace the broken pieces as soon as possible. Completely free of charge! So although we can’t prevent brick slip breakages, we can a will do what we can to resolve your issues.

Contact Us For Brick Slip Enquires

Our sales team can help you with your choice of brick slip and can also assist with working the quantities that you require for your project out also, including Slip-Fix adhesive and Slip-Point mortar. Feel free to use our brick slip calculator on our site or, for more complex projects, please send your drawings over to and a member of the estimating team will respond within 24 hours. For large trade customers, we recommend visiting TBS Cladding Solutions. We want to thank you for choosing Slips From Stock as your brick slip supplier! So once your slips have been installed post them on Facebook or Instagram and we’ll send you an Amazon voucher! Our team works tirelessly around the clock. We are experts on all things brick slips and also offer a FREE brick slip matching service. Simply email us at or call us at 01889 227183.


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